I know what I want for Christmas already. Someone remind me in December that I want a coffee pot with a timer on it. Now that would be a luxury huh? To wake up to already made coffee. Guess that would mean I'd have to remember to make it the night before though, yikes.
Today and yesterday have been good days. I've felt a little more like myself. I've just been overall fighting anxiety and just negativity in general, it's been hard to shake. According to my dad anxiety runs in the family to some degree so it's good to be aware of that. Anyway, yesterday we went to spend some time with my grandmother Bernice and today for the second day in a row, both babies are sleeping at the same time...pure heaven! Also, yesterday, on the way to grandmother's house I stopped randomly by a school I'm interested in to pick up an application and learned of a part time art position that is opening up. I'm not going to go in to detail, don't want to jinx it, sounds too good, I'll keep you posted. Could have been on of those instances where I was in the right place at the right time. It was encouraging because I've been wrestling with what to do in the fall, some days I don't feel ready to start teaching, at least not until the babies are in school. But this opening is part time which could be a nice fit. And today I took the both babies for a walk in the neighborhood, we haven't done that in a while. Wilder is usually not too excited to get in the stroller these days, he'd rather walk. But, today, he got in easily and rode the whole time. I wore Gwyn in the carrier and she was happy and fell asleep. The fresh air, breeze, and sun were all too good. I LOVE SPRING/SUMMER, when it comes around I wonder how I survived the winter, somehow I do every year. And to top that, I still have to watch last night's Idol tonight, yay...I taped it. (yes, i said taped it, we are still living in the world of VCR not DVR) Although I'm not as excited once I heard Archuletta (elf as we call him) ruled over David Cook (of whom I've seen in person-he applied for a job at Urban Tulsa...closes I've ever been to a famous person). And thank you mom for coming over last night and bringing us dinner!
And...some simple pleasures [as a mother] I'd like to share.
1. Second only to hearing your baby laugh is the sound of your toddler singing "mommy." I love it.
2. When Wilder eats vegetables. Yesterday he ate a whole bowl of carrots. I was so happy I let him have chocolate chip cookies and ice cream in the same day.
3. Waking up to see your baby girl's grinning face first thing in the morning. Somehow when I see it I forget the crying in the night and the kicking. (yes, it's time for a crib but that's a whole other post).
4. Kisses on the lips.
5. Wearing my girl.
I'm working on a belated mother's day pick. I need to post a picture of me with my babies.