Thursday, June 4

The Latest in Affordable Childcare

(If I had a little more wit I could think of the perfect punchline for this)

In other news:
There has been some development on the job front. Should know something soon! Details to come. Obviously, I did not get the SS job I was drooling over. It's OK too. Alright, it wasn't the first few days after I found out but I'm fine now. I know the right thing will come to be. Also, it's hard to be down when you live with two adorbable children, really, they are my joy.

Apparently Wilder thinks my name is Honey. We often go through listing everyone's names. He gets everyone's right but when we ask what mine is he says "honey." Rarely do Blake and I call each other by name, just honey, guess it has caught on!

Blake and I will celebrate our 6 year anniversary on Sunday! He's a keeper. Not sure if he feels the same about me sometimes but he's stuck with me! Anyway, one of the few reasons June is my favorite month of the year.

Looking forward to a mini family vacation with my parents, brother and sister-in-law next week to Beaver Lake (right outside of Eureka Springs). I'm excited about enjoying eachother's company, being out in a boat the first time in a long time, soaking up the sun, and of course waterskiing!!! Also will be Wilder (and maybe Gwyn's) first time in a boat...should be interesting!

I feel so blessed by all the love, support, and encouragement from all our friends and family. Simple but true. From homemade spaghetti sauce, new clothes, and sweet words and prayers - Thank you all, you know who you are, I love you!