Thursday, June 7


Thank you for today Lord. It was beautiful in every way.
9 years ago today we were married now look what we have.

"You have to be careful when you got good love because those angels will just keep on multiplyin'"
-Jack Johnson


Starr said...

What a beautiful picture. I love the contemplative look on your older daughter's face.

Tasha said...

1. When did Wilder lose those other two teeth?!

2. Gwyn is so pretty. Precious. And grown up.

3. Ohmygosh Addy. She is hilarious with that smile. She reminds me of Wilder a little.

Beautiful children...inside and out. Love them all.

Shelly Collins said...

Starr, thank you. Gwyneth still doesn't talk much so her expressions always say a lot!

Thank you Tasha!