Monday, November 9

New Days

Last night at our devotional the question was asked, "What are you thankful for?" One thing that came to mind for me are new days. Thank God I get the chance to start over every day. New attitude, new plan. I am thankful His mercies are new every morning. I so need this gift right now. Blame it on the hormones, I don't know, but I am hanging on tight during this emotional roller coaster ride named "Get through your first year of teaching...pregnant." I've had days recently I've felt overwhelmed and defeated in regards to school and home. Last week I had a few days my stress caught up with me and I was weepy. My tirelessly stubborn two year old and suddenly highly emotionally needy three year old are draining. Then there's my house, oh my house. How you suffer from neglect because of my 8:30 bedtime.

I don't know why I still haven't figured out how to nurture myself so that I can prevent this build up of stress, maybe it's just one of my flaws. A good weekend usually does the trick of turning me into what I feel is a deflated balloon...ahh. Blake was not so busy so we had some good time this weekend. Church is always a good place for me to receive the gentle reminder that IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT ME. I felt a healthy perspective. Today I feel hopefull. I enjoyed my job today. I felt confident and a wee bit energetic. I had a good meeting with my vice principal who told me my class was not as awful as I thought it was the day he observed. I asked my mother-in-law today if I was crazy. How can I be so low one day and so high the next? She said it's just life. I suppose it is. And for that fact, tonight I felt motivated to encourage those of you who are having days that seem just too hard and tiring. There is a new day around the corner. Just keep moving. Pray for a new set of eyes. Eyes that can see past your sticky floor and piles of laundry. Your kids will survive one more night of a bath in an unscrubbed tub. Pray for more patience to stop and make wise decisions when all you want to do is snap at your babies when they will just not stop whatever it is.

Take a deep breath. Make time for yourself, curl up in your bed after the kids go to bed and read Eclipse until you just can't keep your eyes open. Then have sweet dreams until the new sun comes up.


Gena said...

I read Erick your line and he said, "That's no flaw, that's just stressful." I'm right there with you girl. Hang in there. I cried more the first year of teaching than I have in my entire life. And I wasn't pregnant.

Tasha said...

Of course I'm never glad for someone to be struggling with life's little hardships, but it is always comforting to hear that someone else shares my struggles. I always appreciate your honesty, and genuine nature. You have inspired me.

Much love and peace to you Friend...

Shelly Collins said...

Thanks to both of you girls. We do often forget that we're not the only one struggling. Maybe we'd feel a little more normal if we remembered we all have the same struggles!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the good times and endure and learn from the bad. Also learn to ask for help. Your family (both biological and church) want to help.

Aunt Janet