Saturday, November 28

The Story I Promised

It was day 43. My cycles ahd been pretty regular. Between 28-30 days. I didn't really think too much of it. I felt normal. We had not anything that would give me reason to suspect I was pregnant. (we were not careless) Maybe my period was late because the stress and busyness of my new job. It HAD been all consuming, that was surely it. That happens to women right? Day 43 was on a Thursday. The next day my mom and I had plans to take some of our things to my aunts neighbourhood garage sale, including some of our baby items. My thought was, well, I guess I should make sure I'm not pregnant before I get rid of my stroller right? So I stopped at Walgreens to buy a test. I called a friend out of amusement, she was convinced I was pregnant. I still didn't believe it could be true. I was home with the kids by myself that evening after school. Blake had a track meet. I barely thought about the test until after the kids went to bed. I took the test and immediately a very distinct plus sign showed up. My heart began to beat a little faster, I got a little sweaty. I frantically opened the directions to make sure I was reading this thing right. I think I read it 5 times to make sure I wasn't missing something. Really? REALLY? Instead of immediately praying I immediately started calling girlfriends until I reached one. Lots of laughter and crying followed. When Blake got home I was standing in the kitchen leaning on the bar. Their was no use in trying to postpone the news, it was all over my face. He immediately knew something was going on. Half laughing and crying (I can't think of any other time in my life that I've done this really) I got the words out. His reaction was hilarious, so nonchalant, like this happens to us all the time. He sat down across from me in the barstool and put his hands in his hands and said "well, guess I better start doing my homework on the internet so I can find us a bigger car and house." (It wasn't until we got the ultrasound did he stop teasing me about faking it.) It really was a special evening. After the shock went away and reality set in we were just overwhelmed with thankfulness and humbled that God would choose this for us. Such an overwhelming feeling when you realize that your life really isn't your own. We took a little time to pray together and to thank God for this gift of another addition to our family. We couldn't be more overwhelmed, surprised, or excited.


Tasha said...

Love, love, love this story! It is too sweet, and I love how gracefully you and Blake handled the situation. Unexpected surprises are some of life's greatest pleasures.

You're family is almost complete ;)

Tasha said...

I meant 'your family...'. Ha.

hwall said...

hee hee! so exciting! can't wait to see you again! miss you!

Anonymous said...

Such a good story and one this baby will want to hear over and over.

Aunt Janet

Gwendolyn Schnell said...

God knew you needed her! Just like God knew we needed our third one. :)