Wednesday, December 30

ABC's of Christmas Vacation

A-Attempts to get a good Christmas photo of the kids.
B-Boogers. Why does Gwyn insist on handing me every treasure she finds in her nose?
C-Clean. Oh the joy of a clean house.
D-Deciding it's ok to rock my little girl to sleep for as long as she wants me to.
E-Earnest curiosity. Wilder was equally thrilled to observe and ask what everyone else received as they opened their presents.
F-Friends. I have witnessed the maturing of a life-long (I pray) friendship between Wilder and Gwyn.
G-Girl. Doc said the little one on the way is "probably" a girl. Until further notice...
H-Holding hands. Or refusing to do so.
I-Icy roads. Grateful for our four wheel drive that got us out of a ditch!
J-Jargon. Wilder is thinks it's hilarious to ramble on in made up words at his dad's pretend frustration. In the car mostly.
K-Kisses, sweet kisses.
L-Lack nothing. Psalm 33:10 says those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. I feel humbled as I realize there is not really any good thing I lack.
M-Mexican food. Vallarta's in Mannford was tasty! Enjoyed the company too!
N-Names. Blake and I have been thinking about names for our new probably baby girl. Not getting too far.
O-Oh Holy Night. My favorite Chrismas Song. I made myself memorize the first verse this year so I could sing it to Wilder and Gwyn. Stirs up wonder and praise in me.
P-Patience. Paying off credit card before getting that new TV, rug...(see L)
Q-Quiet Christmas. Enjoyed the slower pace the weather insisted on.
R-Refusing to swallow. Gwyn has decided to not swallow the last bite in her mouth at mealtime and just let it hang out for a while. Gross.
S-Spongebob Squarepants. Could somebody email me the lyrics to the theme song? My daughter asks me to sing it every night at bedtime. He is sort of adorable though isn't he?
T-Time. Lots of it. What a gift!
U-Under the chair, table, you name it, a place for Wilder and Gwyn to hide. So far we haven't grown tired of pretending to not see them.
V-Very far away! Missed my brother in Iraq.
W-White Christmas.
X-Xtra chocolate, extra weight gain.
Y-Yummy, that is my new fancy fossil purse.
Z-Z's. Lots of them.


Jenny said...

Be glad Gwyn will at least hand you her boogers, she could wipe them on a the wall like one of mine :)

For me girl names are HARD! We are still trying to decide.

Sounds like a great Christmas Break!

hwall said...

Isaac gives me his boogers, too!

Also, I noticed "X" came before "S" in your alphabet. I think this is funny because, last night, my dad was singing the ABC song to Isaac, and when he sang, "Q,R,S," I interrupted him loudly saying, "No, Q,R,X!" He just looked at me funny and kept singing. Glad to find someone who agrees with me! :)

Unknown said...

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Spongebob! Squarepants!
Absorbant and yellow and porous is he.
Spongebob! Squarepants!
Who's nautical nonsense be something you wish?
Spongebob! Squarepants!
So drop on the deck and flop like a fish!
Spongebob! Squarepants!
Spongebob! Squarepants!
Spongebob! Squarepants!
Spongebob! Squarepants!
Spongebob... Squarepants!

It's Jacob's favorite!!!

Shelly Collins said...

Awesome, thank you Lita!!

Tasha said...

Shelly! I thought I commented on this...I would swear that I did. Did you delete me?! I liked your much so that I did my own. ;) Sounds like you had a worth-while and meaningful break. I'm glad. I wish that I had seen more of you, but we all know how that goes. I hope that your first day back went well! Only a few more months until Spring Break! Yea.

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