Sunday, May 29


I can't believe summer is actually here and the school year is over. I know there are a lot of things I did right and equally wrong. Teaching is emotional, exhausting, rewarding, frustrating, fun. I cried happy tears from laughing, mad tears, and sad tears from saying good bye. I hope I made a wee bit of a difference. I will miss my students. (you know who you are). So, as you can see, we had a little fun the last two days of school. So much fun that I bought my custodian a gift card because I felt bad about the mess.

My summer to do list:
1. Have a clean, organized house. Not piles of laundry. Everywhere.
2. Sell our house!
3. Find a house.
4. Read. My list:
-Love & Logic
-Heaven is for Real
-My $1 bargain novel.
5. Discover the Word again. As a family we are going to memorize one verse a week.
6. Go on vacation to Florida.
7. Start my Etsy page
8. Find my flat (ok, less squishy) stomach under this one.
9. Eat healthier. Visit Farmer's Markets.
10. Sleep past 6:30. Ha, ha, just joking. I wish.
I better stop there. Relax.

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