Monday, August 28

OK, so the whole hospital experience wasn't exactly what we'd planned for but the outcome of course was wonderful. Even though Wilder's arrival was difficult we're thankful that he is doing well and is a perfectly healthy baby. (and mom is recovering just fine from her C-section). Seriously, could God have made him anymore beautiful? I spent 9 months thinking about our baby but I had no idea how taken I'd be by him until he was actually here. A friend asked me the other day if the newness had worn off - no, I still stare at him and marvel at this little thing we've been blessed with. Actually, I call him my little stunt monkey because of his long, skinny, arms and legs and his constant wiggling. Oh, he was 8.1 pounds and 22 inches long, fourth biggest baby in the hospital - not bad. On Wednesday the 30th he will be two weeks old.

The first two weeks have been a series of ups and downs but that's to be expected right? So far, the four o'clock feedings and coaxing back to sleep have been a labor of love (ask me in two more weeks). WIlder still thinks day is nighttime and nighttime is daytime - we've got to get this kid turned around. I always thought Baby blues were a funny thing, how could a new mom be sad when she has a new baby? Wierd - it happens. I think I've cried at least onece every day so far - sometimes over our experience in the hospital, sometimes for joy, and sometimes for no reason at all! (in times like these thank God for chocolate) I know it will all get easier as time goes - gotta love hormones. As of now I'm doing my best to get adjusted to my new role as the "Dairy Queen", and the fact that only so much can be done in a day now that my time is no longer my own.

And Blake, he has been wonderfull. He had to totally jump into fatherhood in the hospital because I couldn't really get up to do much. He changed the first dirty diaper and about a billion more since. (Wilder eats like a pig and has the diapers to prove it.) I've marveled at him as well, seeing him as a dad has made him even more attractive than ever and I feel lucky to have such a wonderful husband. I'm looking forward to the time when we get to start having date nights again.
Hope you enjoy the pics, I'll work on getting a pic with his eyes actually open!


Amy said...

What a pretty baby!!! I guess I should say handsome. Let me tell you that after your experience in the hospital, I think I will wait a bit to have children. I hope everything continues to go well for your little family!!!

jessica said...

I love how you describe yourself as the "Dairy Queen". It is hard to get used to. Just give it time.

So you're a chocolate fan; I know the perfect place for you. Steven Howard's KoKoa they have the best chocolate you will ever eat!

Anonymous said...

Shelly, He is too, too, too cute!! He doesn't even look all squishy! I'm so happy for you. You are going to love being a mama, I just KNOW it!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing little guy! I've been thinking about you all month. So glad to hear everything turned out OK. I do want to know what caused you to have a C-section though. Enjoy this time. Tiny is fun!

Anonymous said...

I understand those baby blues... I thought the same as you - that I was not normal for being stressed and crying a lot - I never saw that on TV shows! Just a cute happy baby with the perky mom...

Just remember that it IS normal and I promise it will pass. Sooner than later...

Anonymous said...

Shelly, Blake, Wilder, AnnaBell, Roy, and Frances,

What a wonderful addition to your family!!!!!!!!
Since I have never been a mother, I can not begin to imagine how blessed you feel. Life will never be the same I do know that. I can not wait to see and hold him!
Will Call
Much love

Laura and Joe

Jenny said...

Isn't blogging the best! I can now see pictures of you all anytime I want and feel like I am living right next door. Such a cute picture of Wilder.

Wish I had words of encouragement for the baby stages. Sorry. Many late nights and alot of days the verse "this to shall pass" ran through my mind.

You all better come to the reunion, it is time to reconnect with everyone!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Wilder again. They change so much week to week. Tomorrow he will be 3 weeks old! Is he sleeping any better? How is grandpa Mike doing? I am sure he is very quiet when he is with Wilder!!! Maybe he should come over during the day and help you keep Wilder awake.

Great Aunt Janet

Anonymous said...

i typed in my name on google and got this and i gave never heard of anybody else with the name wilder