Thursday, August 20

A Conversation I had with my daughter tonight

preface: While trying to wash Gwyn in the bath tonight I asked her to stand up so I could wash her bottom. Sometimes she absolutely refuses and will play spaghetti body and go completely limp and WILL NOT STAND UP. So frustrating, considering that she is slick as snot and I can barely hold on to her. After asking her repeatedly I told her I was going to spank her bottom if she didn't stop.

While drying her off after the bath:

Mom, with a stinging hand: "Gwyn, did mommy spank you?"
Gwyn, with a red hand print on her butt: "Mommy spank"
Mom: "Do you care?"
Gwyn: "No"

Lord have mercy. Did not even phase her. Ok, so maybe this story isn't that remarkable in print but my little girl seems to be reveiling her stubborness more and more lately. Anyone have a copy of The Strong Willed Child?

In other news, my first day of school was AWESOME! A post soon to come...


Gena said...

What is it with little girls and not wanting to wash their bottoms? Ugh. So glad your first day of school went well. That's huge.

Anonymous said...


I came to your blog hoping that you had said how your first day went. I knew that you would do awesomely!! Is that a word?


Amy said...

You and I are in the same boat! I just do not know what to do with strong wills.

Anonymous said...

Shelly, I knew you would make a great little teacher and do good!


Tasha said...

Nothing more frustrating than spaghetti body. Well, maybe with the exception of wet spaghetti body. Thanks for the laugh, although I'm sure there was no laughing going on in your bathroom last night :(

Miles is becoming quite strong-willed, himself. I just try to remind myself that toddler hood is comparable to adolescence. Something I can relate to, seeing as though I have little recollection of my toddler years :)

And yes! I got your message, but not until after I called you!! I was more than thrilled to hear that your first day went so well, and I hope that it was a sign of things to come!!! Can't wait to hear all about it. Let's chat this weekend.

Love you.