Sunday, January 24


Sometimes I really love our beagle. He goes on these kicks every once in a while where he decides he needs some action so he digs out of our backyard. Luckily he chose to do so this week when the ground was nice and muddy. He's been able to track in lots of mud. I mentioned before how I can't keep up with the laundry. This afternoon I put Gwynny on her bed to change her diaper and above her head was an animal bone from the woods that Roy obviously had drug in. (we have a doggy door) It still had fur and gross things on it, looked like maybe a cat or a possum? Awesome. So all of Gwyn's bedding to be washed. After all this I still love him enough to put a blanket on our bed so he can sleep on top of our pillows. Poor little dog. Blake and Wilder are currently giving Roy a beagle bath to remove the rotting flesh smell.

I saw a quote the other day on a piece of wall art that I should have bought: "Cleaning up after kids [and beagles] is like shoveling snow in a blizzard"

More on motherhood. I was thinking more specifically how my love is maturing for the kiddos. I'm thankful for the emotions that come with being a mom and how they make my life richer. My capacity to feel these emotions grows as they do. I don't think I knew what it felt like to be proud before Wilder and Gwyn. Or protective. Or sad. Or sympathetic. Or to feel such adoration. Or frustration.

If your toddler is bored buy him/her a flashlight. And lots of batteries.

What is everyone reading? Any good recommendations?

Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God" Probably one of my favorite verses. So simple. That's what I'm shooting for, a little more time to be still this week.


Starr said...

Great post. Totally agree with your sentiment about not really knowing what pride or fear or sympathy felt like until parenthood.

Last year, I loved "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. Read that one yet?

Unknown said...

I'm working my way through the complete Father Brown mysteries. I had never heard of Father Brown before a month ago and now I'm hooked.
