Sunday, March 21

Spring Break

Overall I think Spring Break was a success. Of course we didn't accomplish all that we imagined we would, but is that ever the case? We made a little room for baby with some Spring cleaning, spent tons of time with the kids, spent too much money on a trip to OKC, and recharged our batteries for the weeks ahead. The next 8 weeks are going to be crazy busy and stressful. But, as my friend Tasha so optimistically stated, after they're over we'll have a new baby girl to fall in love with and a teenage-free summer.

I thought I'd post this photo of Gwyn because she thought it was hilarious. She will NOT sit on the potty. She will simply say "I already did." However, pair a bare bottom and an empty bucket and she will ask you about 10 times to "take one more picture of me." Oh, my stubborn, sweet, soon-to-be-middle-child, how I love you. I just hope your little sister is like your brother.

1 comment:

Tasha said...

The snow picture looks so out of place. We were so mad at the weather that we didn't even play in the snow...way to show that weather! Cute, though.

And Gwyn in the bucket is too funny! I'm trying to figure out what she might resent most, about this post, in the future...her naked bottom in an Easter basket, the fact that you posted it with an explanation of how much she liked it, or that you said you hope the little sister is more like the brother. :) Totally kidding, but thanks for the laugh. They are cuties.

So glad that you had a great week! It seems like you had a nice balance of fun and productivity. What else can you ask for? Well, besides more fun, of course ;) but productivity is good too. That baby needed some space for herself, right?!

Here's to a smooth and easy-going last-8-weeks!