Monday, June 20

Mind of a Child

Gwyn, after the subject of heaven came up in our bedtime prayers: I don't want to go to heaven (almost crying).
Me: We'll all be there together, it will be fun.
Gwyn: But I don't want to go to heaven.
Me: Is it because you don't want to leave our house?
Gwyn: Yes
Me: Well, you'll have a new house in heaven or maybe ours will be there. Would you like that?
Gwyn: Yes, but mom (with great concern), our house is too heavy.
Me: Well Gwyn, don't you worry. God can do anything.

As I turned out the lights I could see the wheels turning. Dear God, please give Gwyneth sweet dreams about heaven so she'll look forward to someday being there. Amen.

1 comment:

Aunt Sheila said...

You're such a good MOM!