Monday, February 19

OK, I was just joking about food poisoning! We were misdiagnosed at the hospital, it was a stomach virus after all. Sunday evening Blake and I thought we were out of the woods but shortly after we put Wilder to bed he started vomiting. I've experienced this weekend what I'm sure all mom's agree is the hardest thing as a mother - to see their babies in pain. Not fun. It was very scary actually. I knew how hard the virus was on Blake and I, I could only imagine how it would effect a baby. I was scared he would get dehydrated and pass out like I did. We went straight to the emergency room and spent an awful night waiting and made it home about 5am. I HATE EMERGENCY ROOMS!!! It's true what they say you have to literally be dying to get any immediate care. Blake and I just took turns holding Wilder. Fortunately he slept through most of it, he would just wake up to vomit, cry, then go back to sleep pretty quick. Finally the doctor saw him about 1:30am and gave him a couple of supositories that stopped the nausea until he was able to keep fluids down. The little guy never got dehydrated and amazed me at strong he was during the whole thing. God definitely answered our prayers and was close to us. At one point afte the doc had examined him he woke up and was just as happy as he could be (between rounds), he was was like God knew we needed to see that he was ok and see him happy for a little while. He amazed me at how much better he was today. He didn't vomit anymore and is recovering fine. Blake and I both stayed home from work today to rest and take care of Wilder. I have fallen in love with my little guy all over again! (I'm sure this is only one of many more times). I so enjoyed being his mom today.

So thank goodness this weekend is over! Hopefully none of our parents get sick from not knowing it was a virus. And I thought it was worth mentioning that Blake and I did not have left over turkey chili for dinner tonight - we weren't taking ANY chances!!

Today was so nice outside. Finally, some Spring-like temperatures. It felt so good to get outside, the weather was so calming. Blake worked in the back yard and Wilder and I hung out. I liked this pic becaue it looks like he's posing for the shot and he's saying "mom, i'm gonna be ok!" Sweet little face!

love to all.


Amy said...

He looks absolutely beautiful in this picture! I am glad you are all doing better now. Did Wilder go to the eye doctor today?

Walt & Saundra said...

Hey Shel!
I'm sorry you guys got sick. I think that's been going around...but we've avoided it so far! Wilder is so handsome...I can't wait to see him in person again!
And I'm glad you're reading our blog! :)
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

H E L L O.....we're waiting on more pictures and updates on Wilder. How is our little bundle of joy doing these days? Give him a big kiss and hug for me and tell him Great Aunt Sheila loves him very much.