Thursday, September 18

Thursday: The Week in Gratitude

Today I'm thankful for:

1. New days. I am thankful that Tuesday is over and Wednesday happened. I don't know who the evil woman was that possessed my body on Tuesday. I'm glad she's gone. Just a rough day all around. Seems like Wilder and I butted heads all day and I was irritated at EVERYTHING. Sometimes tiredness and hormones catch up I think. I'm ok now ;)

2. Friends. Really, what a joy to have like-minded friends to share this journey with!

3. Sibling Companionship. Wilder and Gwyn have really started entertaining each other. It's so fun to be in a different room and hear them laughing at each other. And to think we created that laughter! Well, God actually did...but you get the sentiment!


Tasha said...

I think it's awesome that W & G are so close in age. What great companions they will be. I think now that all of responsibility of the 'baby days' is tapering, you'll be SO glad for this!

See you tomorrow!

Tasha said...

Yes, fall is great. There's something so comforting in knowing that the busy, hot, and cranky summer will come to an end, and in return we will be graced by fall's golden beauty, cooler air, and all things comfy ;)

You should definitely make that pumpkin bread! Set a goal, and DO it...and hopefully, you'll want to share with your friends :)

Thanks for the's nice to know someone is reading!

Tasha said...

Glad to know that I'm not alone in over-thinking everything! It can be very frustrating!