Wednesday, January 21


I know it has been too long since I've updated. I just haven't been very successfull at finding the time. I took Wilder to the eyedoctor today and learned that he will need to have corrective eye surgery, again. Also, his astigmatism is worse so the doc wants him to wear glasses. Glasses? What? Is he going to get made fun of in school? How will I get a two year old to wear glasses? And, even though we've been through the surgery once I am anxious about it all over again. I am more concerned about him this time because I feel he is old enough to be scared. Sigh. We'll be ok...lots of moms have harder things to deal with (I keep telling myself) right?

Ok, season premier of Lost is 28 minutes! Yay!


Jenny said...

He will look absolutely ADORABLE with glasses on! Trying to get him to wear them might be a bit of a challenge though:)

Anonymous said...

I am always surprised at how easily children adapt to things; much better than adults! I still feel like you do when my children (all adults) go through bad times. I just remind myself that God is working on their character. They will be a better person.

Aunt Janet

jessica said...

That is exactly how I felt with all four of Jennah's surgeries. She was two weeks shy of three when she had her last surgery. I kept telling myself so many other mothers have to deal with so much more than this. Still scary though. We'll be praying for strength and courage for you.

I think it is harder on the parents to see the kids go through things than the kids themselves. When I was in 1st grade I didn't have many friends and would just walk around the playground alone. I don't really remember it being that bad but my mom said she would park and watch me all alone and just cry because she felt so sorry for me.