Thursday, January 29

It was still fun!

Well I guess we'll never know how The Tale of Despereaux ends! Wilder made it through about two thirds of the movie before he said "Wilder go home please!" At least he was polite about it. We honored his request and left the movie early. Overall he was well behaved (as long as I was feeding him Junior Mints). He enjoyed the experience but wasn't as fascinated as I thought he'd be. Could have been the movie choice being that it was a sophisticated cartoon. Funny, on the way to the movie he was asleep in the car when we dropped Gwyn off at grandpas, when he woke up the first thing he asked was "where's Gwynny?" He continued to ask about her until we made it to grandpa's house to pick her up. He greeted her with a good rub on the head. Sweet! I guess he does spend about 99% of his time with her so of course he was concerned! Maybe we'll give movie viewing another year, fun experiment though!

1 comment:

Tasha said...

How fun. Glad you guys tried it, and at least he made it past the previews! And what a sweet big brother wondering about little sister. They will have so much fun together!

Josh has wanted to take Miles to a movie since birth ;)