Tuesday, February 3

Sugary Sweet

Once in a while Wilder will gets a hold of me at bedtime. Usually I kiss him goodnight then Blake reads him his books and tucks him in while I'm putting Gwynny to bed. Tonight he was calling "mommy" so I went in to snuggle for a little while. I'm a sucker for cuddling. I can not resist those little arms around my neck. "Lay down mommy" he said with those big blue eyes. Ok, with you, forever.


Gena said...

Shelly! I'm so glad I found your blog. I'll have to call you sometime when I'm in Tulsa. I go up there to play like once a month. Maybe we could get lunch sometime.

Unknown said...

I love my snuggle time with Jacob. Sometimes he'll crawl up into my lap and I'll hold and rock him like an infant. He's getting so tall (he's 4-1/2 now), but we both get a soothing peaceful respite during those moments.